About Us

Gardenfresh-india.com has risen as a leading Manufacturers and Exporters of fresh cut flowers, natural fresh flowers, nursery fresh flowers, growers fresh flowers, natural fresh cut flowers etc.

Each member of the association is a verified exporter - registered with Directorate General Foreign Trade (DGFT), India.

By interacting with gardenfresh-india.com - you will receive responses from more than 700 reliable and quality conscious producers and exporters of agricultural commodities, fruits, vegetables etc. from all over India, significantly adding product varieties and price quotes in your sourcing kit.

Gardenfresh-india.com portal is sponsored by Ace Infobanc Pvt Ltd - a leading Internet company in India serving Indian manufacturers and exporters since 1997.

Quality - Customization - Competitive Price

Quality, customization and competitive price - are the three key elements guiding the working of fruits-vegetable.com

Each member of the conglomerate is committed towards total quality and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). Members are exporting to various countries and are well aware of healthcare registration requirements and compliance procedure. Many of them are ISO 9000 certified.

We understand your requirement and special features of your country, so much so that high quality products are supplied in a variety of forms - wholesale pack, individual branded pack, bulk sale or any other form as specified by you.

Competitive price is assured as you are interacting with multiple sellers - members of the conglomeration will compete with each other to give you the best possible price - significantly reducing your sourcing time and effort.